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18 Unheard Strange Stats/Facts About Freelancing

Updated: May 23, 2022

18 Unheard Strange Stats And Facts About Freelancing

18 Unheard Strange Stats/Facts About Freelancing:

If you're a freelancer, then I believe the below stats and facts might be useful to you:

  1. Among Fiverr freelancers, three in ten (31% each) started a new freelance field of work or expanded their offerings in their main field of work.

  2. At least a quarter of Fiverr freelancers expanded marketing efforts (27%) or started using online job marketplaces to find clients (26%).

  3. Skilled independent freelancers common responses to the pandemic included expanding marketing efforts (25%), expanding offerings (25%), starting to use an online marketplace to obtain work (21%), and getting more education or professional development (19%).

  4. Nearly half (48% each) of skilled independent workers also feel that online job marketplaces allow them to save time and money on marketing their services and make it convenient for clients to find them.

  5. Online job marketplace users seem to be faring better than non-users in light of the COVID-19 pandemic: four in ten (41%) say their revenue has increased compared to before the pandemic, compared to just one in five (19%) non-users.

  6. Skilled independent workers in the U.S. are often solely focused on this work: 73% operate only a single business entity.

  7. More than half (53%) of Fiverr freelancers are not employed elsewhere.

  8. Fiverr freelancers work slightly less -- 22 hours a week -- on their independent work.

  9. Nearly half (45%) of skilled independent workers worked about the same number of hours at their enterprise as before the COVID-19 pandemic.

  10. Skilled independent workers shows they have an average of nine years of experience working on their own and a full third (34%) have more than ten years of experience.

  11. Six in ten (61%) of skilled independent workers in the U.S. were full-time employees before starting to freelance.

  12. Among Fiverr freelancers, four in ten (40%) were employed full-time before freelancing and another one in five (19%) were students.

  13. More than half of skilled independent workers who use online job marketplaces see advantages of being able to find new clients (55%) and increase revenues (54%).

  14. Skilled independent workers are estimated to have earned $234 billion in revenue in 2020, up from nearly $229 billion in 2018.

  15. Three-quarters of skilled independent workers (75%) are more hopeful than fearful about the future of skilled independent work.

  16. Six in ten skilled independent workers say their revenue was the same or greater in 2020 as in 2019 before the pandemic.

  17. Eight in ten skilled independent workers expect to make the same revenue or more in 2021 compared to 2020.

  18. Three in ten (31%) skilled independent workers use online job marketplaces to get work/clients.

Source: PrimoStats

Just to mention, if you are serious about learning amazing insights and stats from various business and marketing domains, you can find them here in the most recent form to boost results.

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