27 Best Books Affiliate Programs:
27 Best Books Affiliate Programs:
Here are the below 27 best BOOKS AFFILIATE Programs offered by businesses across the world:
ThriftBooks - ThriftBooks sells millions of used books at low prices. They personally assess every book's quality and offer rare, out-of-print treasures. Commission Rate: 4% - 6.5% Per Sale.
Apple Affiliate Program: Earn commissions on qualifying Apple Music memberships as well as sales of movies, tv shows, books, audiobooks, and more. Commission Rate: 7% - 400% Per Sale.
Audible Affiliates Affiliate Program: Audible is Amazon’s audiobook platform and is currently the biggest player in that market. How much you get paid as an affiliate varies. Commission Rate: $5 Per Trial.
Books-A-Million Affiliate Program: BAM! is a bookstore chain in the US. Find books, toys, and tech, including ebooks, movies, music, and textbooks. Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale.
Bookshop Affiliate Program: Bookshop is all about supporting local and independent bookstores. Uniquely, you can create book lists for readers buy off of. Commission Rate: 10% Per Sale.
Ketoconnect Affiliate Program: KetoConnect is a globally recognized brand for its authenticity and quality content towards improving health and fitness through a keto diet. Commission Rate: 40% Per Sale.
TextbookX Affiliate Program: TextbookX.com is an online marketplace for textbooks that provides a cheap, easy, and reliable way to buy, rent, and sell books online. Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale.
Scholastic Affiliate Program: Scholastic is known for its educational and other books for kids, including The Magic School Bus, Clifford: The Big Red Dog, and Goosebumps. Commission Rate: 6% Per Sale.
IndieBound Affiliate Program: IndieBound is a “local first” shopping movement and a network of hundreds of independent bookstores. Support local bookstores! Commission Rate: Unknown at the moment.
Barnes and Noble Affiliate Program: Barnes & Noble is the world’s largest retail bookseller and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products. Commission Rate: 2% to 4% Per Sale.
Knetbooks Affiliate Program: Knetbooks offers affordable textbook rentals with an easy renting process. They offer free shipping with no minimum purchase amount. Commission Rate: 8% Per Sale.
Textbook Solutions Affiliate Program: Textbook Solutions is a textbook rental business, saving students up to 90% on the cost of actually buying the book. They also buy textbooks. Commission Rate: 30% Per Sale.
Bigger Books Affiliate Program: Bigger Books offers textbooks, textbook rentals, and eTextbooks for college students. And they’re also more than happy to buy your existing used textbooks. Commission Rate: 6.5% Per Sale.
Chegg Affiliate Program: Chegg offers an array of scholastic materials including textbooks in any format, access to online homework help and textbook solutions. Commission Rate: $4 - $ 10 Per Sale.
AudiobooksNow Affiliate Program: AudiobooksNow is an affordable and convenient way to stream or download audiobooks. They offer more than 80,000 audiobooks. Commission Rate: 10% Per Sale.
Biblio Affiliate Program: Biblio is the largest international marketplace for used, out of print, and rare books. Customers can find great prices. Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale.
AbeBooks Affiliate Program: AbeBooks is a trusted online book, collectibles, and fine art marketplace. They list new, used, and hard-to-find books. Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale.
Better World Books Affiliate Program: Better World Books is an award-winning global used book online retailer. For every used book they sell, they match it with a donation. Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale.
eBooks .com Affiliate Program: eBooks. com is a leading digital bookstore with the widest range of contemporary ebooks from over 4,000 publishers. Commission Rate: 8% Per Sale.
Bookroo Affiliate Program: Bookroo is a monthly children's book subscription service. Parents can spend quality time with their kids and develop a love of reading. Commission Rate: 10% Per Sale.
Chronicle Books Affiliate Program: Chronicle Books is an independent publisher. They've put out award-winning children's books, highly-reviewed cookbooks, DIY books, and more. Commission Rate: 6% Per Sale.
BookPal Affiliate Program: BookPal caters to the bulk book needs of nonprofits, corporations, government entities, and schools. Get 4% per sale as an affiliate. Commission Rate: 4% Per Sale.
Book Depository Affiliate Program: Book Depository offers millions of books from all over the world, including titles from indie authors and publishers. Commission Rate: 5% Per Sale.
C & T Publishing Affiliate Program: C&T Publishing is a craft book publisher. Find books and products on quilting, sewing, embroidery, cozy mysteries, cosplay, and more. Commission Rate: 15% Per Sale.
Knit Picks Affiliate Program: KnitPicks believes in the power of handmade, what they call the ability to transform a humble skein of yarn into countless possibilities. Commission Rate: 10% - 30% Per Sale.
Blurb Affiliate Program: Blurb allows people to design, publish, share, and sell their own printed and digital books. Get 15% commission with new customers. Commission Rate: 2% - 15% Per Sale.
Poke Nerds Affiliate Program: Living up to the name, PokeNerds sells Pokémon merchandise and has a community with livestreamed box openings and hangouts on Discord. Commission Rate: 8.5% Per Sale.
So, why wait any longer? Simply click the link below and begin your online income journey by grabbing your best ART affiliate program opportunity. GRAB YOUR BEST BOOK AFFILIATE PROGRAM HERE
Source: Lasso
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As you explore the programs, kindly make your own due diligence before any action. The commissions per sale might vary from time to time. To clarify: Affiliate Marketing is not a quick-rich system. It is purely an internet business.
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