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Here’s Why Every Newbie Affiliate is Doomed to Fail!

Hey Dear Marketer/Business Owner/Internet Entrepreneur,

Many people get told that affiliate marketing is the best way to get started online, and it does sound very attractive.

We get told we don’t have to deal with angry customers, we don’t have to create a product, in fact, all we have to do is send some traffic, then bank the cash.

Sounds great, right?


You see, when you promote something as an affiliate, you only get to keep a limited portion of the profits, usually 50%. Plus you don’t build a list, and you can only make money from your own efforts.

That’s why most would-be affiliates give up before they earn their first cent. This is why the most successful online marketers, sell their own products and then promote products from the lists they build from selling their own products.

When you sell your own products, you get to keep 100% of the profits from the sales you make, and you aren’t the only one driving the traffic, you can have an army of affiliates promote for you.

Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that selling your own products is more profitable. “But I wouldn’t know where to start.”

That’s where John Thornhill comes in.

Allow me to explain.

If you want to master one thing that will lead to your success online it’s PRODUCT CREATION.

John launched his first product back in 2004, and since then he has launched hundreds of his own products that have generated millions in sales.

And every single thing he has learned since then is covered in a brand new webinar he’s running. On this webinar, you will learn everything you need to know to create and launch your very own successful product online.

This is the ultimate 24/7 automated business that every successful marketer is doing, and if you’re not doing it you really are missing out.

Find out more: CLICK HERE



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