Madhu Kumar C

Feb 15, 20233 min

What is Off-Page SEO?

Photo by Mikhail Nilov [Pexels]

What is Off-Page SEO?:

Off-page SEO is a set of strategies used away from your website to increase the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It involves optimizing your website for external factors such as building backlinks, social media engagement, and other external signals that show search engines that your site is valuable and authoritative.

“When a social post that links to a piece of content gets a lot of traction, it means that the content is being read, which in turn improves its ranking” – SmartBug and rockcontent [Report for 2023]

Off-Page SEO:

Off-page SEO focuses on activities undertaken outside of your website. It includes promotion of your site on social media, guest posting or guest blogging, content marketing, link building, influencer marketing, and more.

All of these activities help to build your domain authority and visibility in search engine rankings.

“According to exclusive research developed by Conversion, 82% of marketers who invest in link building see positive results in their SEO” - CONVERSION

Backlinks are a major component of off-page SEO. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in the SERPs. Quality backlinks come from reputable websites with relevant content, but it is not so easy.

Make sure you don't engage in any black hat SEO tactics when working on off-page SEO initiatives since these are penalized by search engines like Google.

“Articles with “Mistakes To Avoid” titles and Guides get the most shares. How To and Comparison articles attract the most backlinks” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

Social media is another important part of off-page SEO. It helps increase the visibility of your website and build relationships with potential customers. To get the most out of social media, it’s important to create content that is engaging, shareable, and relevant.

“59% of links shared on social media are shared without ever being read (Chicago Tribune)” Ahrefs Blog

Influencer marketing is also a great way to increase the visibility of your website. Influencers are people who have a large following and can help spread the word about your website to their followers.

“Fundamentally, we trust people more than ever and we trust companies less than ever. Influencers are trusted and persuasive” - Convince & Convert Report

Based on numerous studies conducted in the past, guest posting or guest blogging is acknowledged as the finest off-page SEO activity that can have a major impact on rankings in search engine result pages.

“60% of bloggers write one to five guest posts per month (Referral Rock)” – Ahrefs Blog

What does Off-Page SEO include?:

Here are several off-page SEO strategies or techniques you can try to boost the SEO performance of your website.

Overall, Off-page SEO is an important part of any SEO strategy and can help to increase the visibility of your website in SERPs.

It’s also very important to focus on creating quality content and building relationships with influencers and other website owners including bloggers in order to get the most out of off-page SEO efforts.

“Focus on people and their needs when creating high-quality content. Get it right and you’ll see more website visitors, click-throughs, and conversions”Margarita Loktionova, Content Marketing Lead at Semrush

Here's related information that you may find helpful - 29 Key Findings Data from the State of Link Building 2022 Report that might help to strengthen your Off-Page SEO skills.

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P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, & tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].
