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5 Major Mistakes To Avoid (in Post Lead Generation)

Updated: May 23, 2022

5 Major Mistakes To Avoid (in Post Lead Generation)

5 Major Mistakes To Avoid (in Post Lead Generation):

You may know this, there are two stages in any lead generation campaign: pre-lead and post-lead stages. Pre-lead is what happens before someone becomes your lead, and post-lead is what happens once someone becomes your lead.

In the last previous 2 immediate emails ( don't worry, you can check in Blog or at the end of this post), we discussed the common mistakes people make during the pre-lead stage. These mistakes impact the performance of the campaign like conversion rate, cost-per-acquisition, and the number of leads.

Post-lead mistakes are the mistakes people make after the lead is generated. These impact how the lead progresses in their customer journey and whether they become your customer or not.

What you do after the lead joins your list, how you interact, and how to educate them defines whether the lead becomes a customer. This is where many marketers struggle and fail.

Let's understand these in detail:

Mistake 1: Letting the leads go cold:

This is the biggest mistake marketers make.

Most marketers ace the lead generation game. They probably have learned and mastered at least one traffic source and know how to drive quality traffic to their lead generation campaigns.

With the help of the right lead magnet and capturing mechanism, they get the leads.

But that’s where their struggle starts. They aren’t sure how to proceed with the leads. They struggle with email marketing and nurturing campaigns.

Either they send a few emails in the first three days or send an email or two once a month.

The leads go cold, and that’s the end of their lead generation campaign.

All their efforts to generate leads go waste because the leads won’t be making a purchase or becoming customers.

People let the leads go cold because they don’t have an email marketing plan or a nurturing sequence, which is the second mistake.

Mistake 2: Not having a nurturing sequence:

Lead nurturing is the only way to convert your lead into a customer.

You want to convert as many of them as customers because you only make a profit when the sale happens.

If the sale doesn’t happen, you end up losing whatever you spent to generate those leads.

And for sale to happen, they need to know what you sell, why they should care about whatever you are selling, and how it will improve their lives.

When someone becomes your lead, they probably won’t have many ideas about you or your product or what’s in store.

You need to introduce who you are, what you’ve created, why it matters to your lead, how it has helped people like your leads, and so on.

After that, you need to send them 5 must-read contents or alike strategy, which helps your leads move towards the purchased end of their customer journey.

We call it a nurturing sequence because it nurtures a lead to become a customer like you nurture the seedling to become a tree.

Email marketing works when you send them in a sequence and at a regular interval. You can neither send them more or less. You cannot send them 10-15 emails in a week or randomly and then not send anything for a month.

Remember, you are building a relationship with your leads. A relationship is essential to build trust, and trust is a must for sales to happen.

Mistake 3: Treating Email Like a promotional channel:

There is one thing that is worse than not having a nurturing sequence and letting your leads go cold.

That is treating email marketing as a promotional channel and start sending promotional emails.

Many marketers send emails about offers, deals, discounts, and other sales pitches.

Nothing else.

No value addition. No nurturing or educating the leads about the problem or solution or the product.

People don’t want to receive more promotional emails.

If you aren’t adding value, your leads will get tired of receiving mindless promotional emails and hit the subscribe button. You lose a lead and a possible customer.

Remember, the best sales or promotional email is the one that doesn’t sell but makes the reader look for the purchase link.

Add as much value as you can, which makes the user look for the purchase link.

Keep in mind - emails aren’t painkillers. You cannot use them when you need them. Emails are like vitamins. It works well when it is consumed regularly.

Mistake 4: Not segmenting the emails:

Even the smart marketers who nurture their leads falls short when it comes to segmenting their leads.

They know the value of their emails and have crafted some quality nurturing email sequences.

But they treat all their leads the same.

All your audience, aka leads, aren’t the same. They don’t interact with your emails in the same way.

Some consume your emails, click the links, watch videos, read blog posts, and don’t.

Every piece of information they consume helps them progress in their customer journey, moving towards the purchase.

If you don’t segment, you won’t know who is progressing and who isn’t responding to your messages.

If you send all emails to the entire list, they lose their effectiveness and fail to produce the desired results.

You should send your sales sequence to those who’ve reached the purchase end.

You should try sending reactivation sequences to those who aren’t responding to your regular emails and understand whether they are still interested in your product or not.

Mistake 5: Content that doesn’t resonate:

This is another most common mistake we do.

We approach content creation through the marketer’s perspective and not through the audience’s point of view.

There is a mile-gap between what we see and what our audience want.

The purpose of email or content marketing is to communicate with your audience, help them overcome their challenges, and solve their problems.

If you aren’t creating content, aka emails that speak to your audience about their issues, it’s not going to resonate with them.

If it isn’t resonating with your leads, they aren’t going to open, read and act on them.

If they aren’t reading and acting on them, they aren’t going to become your customer.

You aren’t getting the sale. Everything you worked on so far fails and goes waste. That’s it.

We’ve covered more or less all the mistakes marketers usually make when it comes to post lead generation. Of course, this isn’t the complete list of mistakes. Yet, having knowledge of these and implementing them will benefit your business at large in achieving your business goals.

All the best...

P.S: Here's some related information that you might find helpful in your quest to become a professional or skilled expert. Learn Lead Generation in 100 Days (Email-based daily lessons!). Simply look around if you're interested!

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