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Email Marketing Statistics - [Facts to Conversions]

Updated: Apr 16

email marketing statistics
Photo by cottonbro studio [Pexels]

Email Marketing Statistics:

This blog post is all about email marketing statistics that have been collectively shared here. It also includes related facts, quotes, and expert opinions that I think are quite important.

In fact, I have personally come across these while reading email newsletters, case studies, market research papers, blogs, industry publications, and reports. When I feel they are relevant, I also utilize them in my blog posts.

Email Marketing Statistics:

By the way, this post may be saved, shared, or bookmarked as it goes through timely revisions or updates depending on fresh information.

“Email marketing is the No. 1 most-used marketing channel among businesses of all sizes—and over half of businesses that make $20M+ in annual revenue use SMS for marketing, according to a new survey from Klaviyo and Qualtrics” - Klaviyo

“The global email marketing industry is forecast to reach $17.9 billion by 2027. And if you want a slice of the pie, you must realign your email marketing strategy to stay relevant in the ever-evolving digital landscape” MarketingProfs

“The top email marketing KPIs are the three heavy hitters that are probably familiar to most of us: Grow sales/revenue (41%), Boost customer retention (41%), Generate marketing or sales qualified leads (MQL or SQL) (40%)” - The 2023 State of Email Workflows Report

“According to HubSpot data, 78% of marketing professionals have seen engagement in their email marketing campaigns. This proves that you need to optimize your emails to reap greater rewards” – Pepper Content

“Emails are typically shorter than other types of B2B writing, like white papers or guides. In fact, emails that are less than 200 words tend to get the highest click-through rate, according to Constant ContactSemrush

“Research also shows that using the word “video” in email subject lines boosts open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%!” Wistia

“Email marketing has an impressive ROI of $36 for every $1 spent. Furthermore, email marketing revenue is expected to reach $12.88 billion in 2024, according to StatistaHubSpot

“In my personal experience, personalized emails have consistently outperformed generic emails, boasting a 29% higher open rate and a 41% higher click-through rate” - Dion Pallazola, Email Marketing Specialist, Appfire, AZ Big Media

“The ideal length of a call to action (CTA) in an email is typically 2 to 5 words” Bouncer

“Email marketing is an unmatched investment for connecting with customers — brands get back $36 for every $1 spent on the channel on average” HubSpot’s 2023 State of Marketing Report

“In 2023, email marketing generated 10.89 billion dollars in revenue” Semrush

Email Marketing Campaign Metrics [by day of the week and time]:

Email Marketing Campaign Metrics

“By sending abandoned cart emails, you can capture some of those conversions for your business. On average, 45% of abandoned cart emails are open. On top of that, conversion rates increase 18% after sending abandoned cart emails” WebFX

“Studies done to improve the email marketing design best practices have shown that there are merely 50 milliseconds to capture a user’s attention in an email, and 11 seconds to communicate the message to the reader” – Pepper Content

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Email Marketing vs Digital Marketing [Tabular Comparison]

“Marketers are leveraging a healthy mix of email marketing strategies, including automation (27.55%), campaigns (26.65%), personalization (23.08%), and segmentation (22.72%)—almost an even split across the board” – Klaviyo

“Email marketing can be a great way to increase brand awareness because it allows you to regularly communicate with your target audience directly in their inbox” – HubSpot

“Email marketing is a cost-effective way of generating leads and growing your SaaS business. It allows you to reach out to prospects in bulk and is a tried-and-tested method that has proved to be reliable” Outgrow

“Email marketing is a great place to cultivate loyal customers because you can add value even when customers aren't making a purchase” – HubSpot

“The ideal preheader length for an email is around 85 to 100 characters. For mobile devices, it’s even fewer. To make sure your emails offer excellent readability, keep the length to around 30 to 80 characters” – Bouncer

“People buy from brands that they know, like, and trust. Use your email marketing to become known, liked, and trusted” Social Media Examiner

“When ranking marketing channels by the ROI they deliver, email wins again: 76.86% of all businesses place email marketing in the top 3 ROI-generating marketing channels” – Klaviyo

“With email marketing, it's that much easier to reach people because they always check their email. They can check it at any time, on multiple devices, which can improve the success of any marketing campaign” – HubSpot

“The digital landscape is evolving fast, so it is crucial to use technology to improve your business performance and stay ahead of the competition. Personalization and data-driven marketing are essentials for modern email marketing” – MarketingProfs

“Leverage email marketing to promote new or repackaged content and nurture leads through the buyer journey. Generate a monthly or weekly newsletter to build your base of repeat visitors with a personal touch” studioID

“With email marketing campaigns, you'll send traffic to your site and improve your SEO. Plus, you'll keep your audience engaged with your brand and your site” – HubSpot

“Once your audience realizes your intent is to bring them valuable content they WANT (because you've done your research on them), they will desire to have you in their inboxes and see your brand as the subject matter expert in your space” - Kari Massoth, Email Marketing Manager, ModMed, AZ Big Media

“You need to create a tailor-made email that resonates with a particular customer. Customization leads to humanizing your brand and making it more thoughtful and personal. It is also one of the email marketing design best practices to nurture customer relationships and boost retention rates” Pepper Content

“Using multilingual email marketing that includes localization as well as translation acknowledges and respects customer diversity, nurtures strong relationships, builds trust, and propels business success” MarketingProfs

“Remember that, of all email marketing strategies, ecommerce brands of all sizes are most satisfied with their ROI on personalization efforts” – Klaviyo

Most Effective Email Tactics:

“Focus on solving a specific problem that your readers might have. Be clear and concise in your messaging, and don't cover too many topics in one email. By solving a specific problem, you'll make it more likely that your readers will take the next step in your funnel” - Matt Molen, CEO, Email Crush, AZ Big Media

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Email Marketing vs Content Marketing [Tabular Comparison]

“You can test content, layout, CTAs, subject lines, and functionality to attract more leads, get more engagement on your emails, and boost sales. It's one of the best ways to make email marketing more effective” – MarketingProfs

“If you consistently provide value before making a pitch, you're much more likely to have a higher success rate. Even if your subscribers don't open all your emails, the fact that they routinely see your name and recognize your brand builds familiarity and trust over time” - Nikole Haumont, CEO, Shield Bar Marketing, AZ Big Media

“In general, it’s recommended to keep the email body copy concise and focused, with most emails ranging from 50 to 125 words” – Bouncer

“Optimizing email for mobile is critical and involves more than content that gets resized to fit on a mobile screen. To truly be optimized for mobile, you must ensure the content is immediately legible (without the user needing to zoom in) in both normal and dark screen modes” - Sarah Lieneke-Nickle, E-commerce Email Marketing and Copywriting Expert, AZ Big Media

“Understanding the email UX best practices will aid you in creating winning email marketing strategies” Pepper Content

“The foundation for an effective email marketing program is having good email deliverability rates. By prioritizing email deliverability, you are committing to maintaining a healthy email list and ensuring that your customers are getting value from interacting with your brand” Klaviyo

“As you realign your email marketing for better performance, focus on creating value for your customers through relevant and valuable content. Emails should contain a balance of value, insights, and promotion” MarketingProfs

"Since relevance is the name of the game in email marketing, making sure you’re sending content that is valuable to your subscribers is extremely important" - The DailyZoo Newsletter

“To maximize the profitability of email marketing, companies need to increase the number of people in their email base. If your subscriber list is small, you will struggle to meet your e-commerce goals, even if your messaging is spot on and the conversion rates are good” - Wunderkind and Retail Dive Report

“Using your paid social ad budget to grow your email or SMS list then marketing to that audience over time can potentially lead to a higher lifetime customer value” Ads Creative Guide for eComm report by Insense and Revealbot

“Email was deemed very critical to the success of the company by 39% of marketers, and 87% of marketing leaders say email is critical to their success” - The 2023 State of Email Workflows Report

“Marketing automation is incredibly powerful. I know companies that make 50% of their email revenue on automated and transactional emails on 4% to 5% of their overall volume” MarTech

“According to a Statista survey, 37% of consumers are likely to make a purchase triggered by an email newsletter. So, now is the perfect time to refine your email marketing strategy for consistent income” DailyZoo Newsletter

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Email Copywriting Tips [Build attention and engagement].

SEO and email marketing have become much more popular over the last 10 years” Orbit Media Studios [Bloggers Survey 2023]

“It’s no surprise more than two-thirds of marketers surveyed indicate email is a channel where their brands currently personalize messaging using data” - The 2024 State of Data-Driven Personalization in Marketing by ICUC Social and Convince & Convert

“Just like everything in marketing, an email list is fluid and about 20% of your list spoils every year! No matter the size of your business, bad data affects everyone” Data Axle

“Cold emails often get a bad rap for being intrusive, generic, and spammy. In fact, only 8.5% of outreach emails receive a response” MarketingProfs

“According to research from Databox, around 45% of marketers send weekly emails” – Semrush

“According to our State of Email Analytics report, nearly half of brands (45%) don’t track email interactions down to conversions. Fewer than a fifth (17%) measure their email marketing return on investment (ROI). And only 12% of brands measure subscriber lifetime value (LTV)” Litmus

“Email marketing is tied for second place as the channel that provides the highest ROI” - HubSpot’s 2024 State of Marketing Report

“44% of B2B marketers say email marketing is the most effective marketing channel” – HubSpot

“Fast forward to May 2023, and research unveils a staggering 77% surge in email engagement over the past year. Email marketing isn't just relevant; it's making a swift comeback” – DailyZoo Newsletter

“Subscriber growth is arguably the core metric of most email marketers, but growth rates and engagement metrics also help determine the quality of the list and individual campaigns” Ahrefs

“Building an email list is probably the most valuable thing you can do when scaling up your affiliate marketing. These are your fans, who have given you permission to keep contacting them and send them news, and exciting new offers about the niche” Lasso

“Depending on your industry, the open rate can range between 18.9% and 30.62%. A captivating subject line will ensure your email gets opened” – Moosend

“The goal of most email newsletter campaigns is to become a source of trusted information and raise the business’s overall profile” Business

“As a B2B salesperson, if you are focused on email communication, then you’re in luck because over half of buyers (57%) said that email is their preferred mode for the first touch. But, there’s a catch. They also overwhelmingly agree (78%) that introductions should be personalized to them and their business” – LinkedIn’s B2B Sales Playbook

“55% of emails are opened on mobile. Your email should, therefore, be optimized for this as well as all other devices” HubSpot

Bonus Tip: is the most cost-effective email marketing automation tool in the market so far I have come across.

In fact, this is also known as the best ClickFunnels Alternative [which saves you at least a few hundred dollars per month!]. Also, see how you may profit from its affiliate program.

Keep checking back for future updates to this post about email marketing statistics and stay ahead of the curve.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Email Marketing Campaign Benchmark Metrics

P.S: Ready to [unlock the power of digital marketing] and drive [your] business forward? – Access my forum today

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, & tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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