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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

46 Best Email Marketing Campaign Tips To Increase Sales

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

46 Best Email Marketing Campaign Tips To Increase Sales
Photo by Artem Podrez [Pexels]

46 Best Email Marketing Campaign Tips To Increase Sales:

In 2021, 71% of marketers sent more emails than they did the year before. So, why are marketers still investing in such a competitive channel? Because it works.

Email is one of the most effective marketing strategies, delivering a jaw-dropping 3,600% average ROI. That’s miles ahead of any other channel.

There is no denying the significant potential of email marketing, but only if marketers are able to produce stand-out communications that stand out from the crowd.

An email that creates attention is easy to open and read, draws the reader in, creates an enjoyable experience, and prompts a particular action is all every email marketer dreams of.

In this blog post, you will learn how to optimize every part of your email marketing campaign with tips that help you get results, from the subject line to the footer.

Keep reading, and get set to create truly kick-ass emails hereafter.

Email Marketing Campaign Tips And Tricks:

Here are the 46 best email marketing campaign tips and tricks to increase sales:

Subject lines, previews, and sender names in Email Marketing Campaign:

1. Make your subject line actionable.

2. Use your preview text to add more context to your subject line.

3. Use clear and simple language that doesn’t put your reader off.

4. Avoid using words like “free” that might put your email straight in the spam folder.

5. Showcase the value of your email upfront.

6. Keep the preview text under 100 characters.

7. Make the sender's name clear, memorable, and relatable.

8. Consider using fun, on-brand emojis — but don’t overdo it.

9. Personalise subject lines with segmented or micro-segmented audiences.

"Marketers know that A/B testing is an important part of finding the right subject lines and preview text" - knak

Email Copy in Email Marketing Campaign:

10. Use 14px+ font for body text and 22px+ font for titles.

11. Keep paragraphs under five lines.

12. Left-align paragraphs over three lines.

13. Try bulleted lists for easy skimming.

14. Use powerful language that encourages action.

15. Use 1.5-2 lining spacing.

16. Use active language.

17. Make sure any custom, branded fonts display properly on all devices.

"To come up with the perfect body text, you’ll probably want your email reviewed by at least a couple of other people on your marketing team" - knak

Design and Layout in Email Marketing Campaign:

18. Use a vertical layout between 500px and 650px wide.

19. Include up to five modular sections.

20. Use plenty of white space around headers, subheaders, images, and text.

21. Keep things high contrast.

22. Enable hover state and use colorful, high-contrast, underlined font for links.

23. Optimise your image size for faster load times on mobile.

24. Don’t forget a footer with links to unsubscribe or visit your brand online.

25. Experiment and see what kinds of content perform best with your audience.

"Over 50% of email campaigns are read on a mobile device, and mobile responsive emails are 65% more likely to bring customers to your website" - knak

Call-To-Action (CTA) in Email Marketing Campaign:

26. Use compelling, active verbs that communicate the value to the reader.

27. Use urgent, timely language.

28. Avoid boring and uninspired words like “download” or “read”.

29. Make sure any other links, such as in your footer, are much less prominent than your CTA.

30. Design a large CTA button with attention-grabbing colors.

31. Have your CTA lead to an effective landing page.

"If your email design doesn’t cater to every possible reading experience, you’re throwing a large portion of your audience away — and 40% of your clicks" - knak

Responsive E-Mail in Email Marketing Campaign:

32. Optimise your images by choosing different ones for desktop vs. mobile.

33. Design for mobile first — this means keeping your text short, thinking about your layout, and keeping your CTA above the fold.

34. Keep things high contrast so they look good in dark mode.

35. Use a contrasting stroke or outline on black or white logos, to make sure they’re still visible with inverted colors.

36. Use transparent .pngs for your logos. If you use .jpgs, make sure they are all the same size to avoid irregular backgrounds around your images.

"To make your content accessible, it needs to be compatible with assistive technology that helps people living with disabilities access their email" - knak

Accessible E-Mail:

37. Always include alt text, which describes images to readers who can’t see them. Images are half the fun, and alt text means everyone can enjoy them!

38. Contrast is important for readability. Whether your viewer is visually impaired or not, you don’t want them struggling to read your email.

39. Give your CTAs a bit more context so that readers know where they’re going.

40. Never embed text into images.

41. Set your email’s language as an HTML attribute, so that screen readers can pronounce words correctly.

42. Emojis cannot be read by screen readers. Use emojis to enhance your message, not replace words.

43. Always include HTML role tags, such as ‘header’ or ‘footer,’ to different fields of your email. Otherwise, the screen reader may interpret it as a data table, and read it out incorrectly.

Dynamic Content in Email Marketing Campaign:

44. Bring the energy with dynamic elements. For example, you could build in a countdown clock leading up to your annual conference, or a fun animation to help illustrate a new product feature.

45. Make it interactive. Let your viewer interact with your brand right from their inbox. You could embed a form to collect product reviews, or include a fun mini-game (complete with prizes) to celebrate the launch of a product.

46. Go deep on personalization. Try creating separate audiences for different locations, and only sharing content that the person hasn’t yet read on your site.

A successful email marketing campaign might seem challenging on the surface, but it doesn’t need to be a headache.

Behind all the tips, tricks, and best practices, the basic principle is to make your reader’s life easier by offering them value and sharing your messages in the clearest way possible, and these email marketing campaign tips will make your efforts easier than ever to boost your conversions or sales!

So, are you ready to smash your email marketing campaign goals?

By the way, if you are interested in seeing some case studies with examples, you may access knak’s report here.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Email Marketing Statistics [Email is always a profitable channel].

P.S: Ready to [unlock the power of digital marketing] and drive [your] business forward? – Access my forum today

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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