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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

Content Marketing Statistics - [The Numbers Speak]

Updated: Oct 2

content marketing statistics
Photo by Yan Krukau [Pexels]

Content Marketing Statistics:

This blog post is all about content marketing statistics that have been collectively shared here. It also includes related facts, quotes, and expert opinions that I think are quite important.

In fact, I have personally come across these while reading email newsletters, case studies, market research papers, blogs, industry publications, and reports.

Content Marketing Statistics:

This post may be saved, shared, or bookmarked as it goes through timely revisions or updates depending on fresh information.

“Good content marketing that promotes engagement is a “healthy lifestyle” for your business. Your business needs a steady program of valuable content to attract high-value customers that engage with your brand” MARTECH

“According to our 2023 Content Marketing Predictions Survey, 42% of content leaders rank a consistent stream of content across the buyer journey as top priority” springboard

“An impressive 71% of marketers who use AI rate their content marketing efforts as very effective or effective” Semrush’s 2024 AI Content Report

“70% of marketers said generative AI is important to their content marketing strategy” HubSpot

“Today, customers don't just want high-quality content; they expect it. "Content marketing is important because it answers your audience's questions and helps you build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions, and generate leads," writes HubSpot– via MarketingProfs

“The content marketing market is poised to grow by $584.02 billion during 2023-2027” Search Engine Journal

Content Marketing Myths and Reality

“Utility content is at the core of most content marketing programs, with 76% of bloggers publishing how-to contentOrbit Media

“When defining your content marketing audience, try to think bigger. Your content can attract a wider audience and tackle a wider set of customer pain points” - Content Marketing Workbook by Semrush

87% of marketers said content marketing helped them achieve their company branding goals? Nearly 80% said it helped them build credibility with their target audience” MARTECH

"According to Semrush's The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report, copywriting [37%] was voted as the third most sought-after content service among those that were outsourced"

“Content marketing is not the quickest form of marketing. But it can have lasting impacts on your business if you're patient enough” – Rosemary Egbo, Content Marketing Manager

“According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing as part of their overall strategy. A strong online presence can passively attract customers to a huge benefit off of a relatively low cost” – FoundationInc

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Content Marketing vs SEO

“You should create content for the real person behind the screen and do your best to understand who they are and what they are looking for” – Margarita Loktionova, Content Marketing Lead at Semrush.

“A content marketing strategy that includes targeted personas can improve your results drastically. One case study found with this strategy, website traffic grew by 210% and leads increased by 97%. Using personas can make your website 2-5x more effective and lift email click-through rates by 14%” Search Engine Land

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy [via Search Engine Journal]

“86% of marketers reported SEO had a positive impact on content marketing efforts over the last 12 months” ” – SEO Trends & Predictions for 2023 Report by Conductor

“Aim to own the answers to the questions along that buyer’s journey. Answer them through video, blogs, newsletters, social—whatever your buyer needs at any given point in their journey” - Michael Brenner, Content Marketing Agency CEO at Marketing Insider.

“Our report shows that 42% of marketers believe updating and repurposing existing content leads to success in content marketing” Semrush

Content Marketing Leads To Revenue:

Content Marketing Leads To Revenue

“Content marketing remains a highly effective marketing strategy that produces a positive impact nearly 100% of the time. This data reaffirms content marketing is a channel worth investing in for all companies, regardless of size” – SEO Trends & Predictions for 2023 Report by Conductor

“92% reported content marketing positively impacted marketing performance and goals” Conductor

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Content Marketing vs Brand Marketing

"As per The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush, 17% of respondents voted for infographics as one of the best-performing types of content"

“Articles with “Mistakes To Avoid” titles and Guides get the most shares. How To and Comparison articles attract the most backlinks” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“The “Everything You Need To Know” titles and Comparison articles generate the most organic traffic on average” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“The most common ways to calculate ROI from content marketing are by measuring revenue coming from leads and conversions generated by content (67%)” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“Content marketing is a great way to build trust among your leads because it allows potential clients get to know you before they do business with you. It also allows you to show off your knowledge and expertise without " selling” yourself” - PixelTrack

“53% of our respondents spend more than $3,000 a month on content marketing” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

14 Content Marketing Metrics To Track For Success

14 Content Marketing Metrics To Track For Success

"Empathy and common sense are crucial aspects of human interaction, especially in content marketing” Search Engine Land

“Nearly 80% of very successful content marketers spend more than 10% of their total marketing budgets on content” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

Here's related information that you may find helpful - When did Content Marketing Become Popular?

“Content marketing — and by extension, creating content — is all about nurturing relationships and satisfying consumer needs, not aggressive selling” FoundationInc

“80% of those who considered themselves very successful in content marketing in 2022 have documented their content marketing strategies, as do 73% of content marketers who regard their efforts as successful” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“70% more traffic went to articles with at least one video versus articles without videos” - The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

By creating content you know your audience is interested in, you can dominate industry keywords, generate conversions, and increase the ROI of your content marketing investment” siege media

“61% of companies that succeed the most in content marketing run content audits 2+ times a year” – The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“B2B brands invest in content marketing approaches to ultimately uncover and convert better prospects, increased profits, and stronger customer retention” - Convince & Convert Report

“77% of companies that succeed the most in content marketing are planning to increase their content marketing budgets in 2023” – The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“70% of companies that succeed the most in content marketing measure content marketing ROI” – The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“97% of our respondents said they had some degree of content marketing success” – The State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report by Semrush

“From 2023 to 2027, the global content marketing industry is expected to grow by $584.02 billion (ReportLinker)” – via Ahrefs

“Online content marketing is like the fuel that powers all other areas of marketing in your business” Semrush

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Content Marketing vs Paid Advertising

Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing [Source - NEAL SCHAFFER] and generates 3x more leads [Source - Demand Metric].

“Looking ahead, marketers see improving skills in content marketing, campaign strategy, and data analytics as crucial to success in the next 2 years. This provides marketing leaders with a clear direction —and opportunity — to upskill their teams, retain their top talent, and create future-forward career paths” – Salesforce Research

“85.1% Of AI Users Are Using It For Blog Content Creation” AuthorityHacker’s AI Survey 2023 Report

“According to 2022 research from the Content Marketing Institute, more large companies are outsourcing now than in 2019 (75% vs. 71%). They cite their top challenge as finding partners with adequate topical expertise (65%)” – LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

“Content marketing is essentially organic marketing -- with the goal being to become a recognizable and trusted brand because of the value that your content delivers” Google for Creators

Classic Content Marketing vs. Modern Content Marketing:

Classic Content Marketing vs. Modern Content Marketing

“63% of content marketers use their content strategy to build loyalty with their existing clients” - Content Marketing Institute

“Here is the deal – content marketing is a results-oriented function. And even though it is evolving every day, its essence never changes. Content marketing is, after all, about your audience, not your business” Convince & Convert

“It appears that B2B marketers are closely aligning budgets with the heaviest revenue drivers, with social media and content marketing, their top channels for revenue, over 50% likely to see increases” - 2023 State of B2B Digital Marketing Report by Wpromote

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Best Practices for Content Marketing

“According to the Content Marketing Funnel Study mentioned earlier, 88% of marketers decide what content to create based on keyword research, while 49% rely on in-house knowledge and experience” Semrush

“B2B businesses devote an average of 33% of their marketing budget to content marketing” Siege Media

"Nearly 3 in 4 B2B marketing managers said influencer content marketing was the most effective approach for reaching target audiences and building brand awareness" B2B Reviews

“In fact, 80% of marketers who are extremely successful in content marketing have a documented strategy” Semrush

“In fact, 50.5% of marketers say visual content is very important for their marketing strategy, and 13.1% cite that their marketing strategy is nothing without it” Search Engine Journal

“From a content marketing perspective, remember that content should serve the user first and the search engine second. The best approach here is to create research-driven content that is high quality and reliable. That way, you'll cover both bases” Moz

“A content gap analysis is a valuable type of market research, helping you to discover opportunities you may have missed and improve your content marketing” Search Engine Land

“Building high-quality links necessitates a strategic approach. Begin with content marketing, your primary tool for engaging audiences” Level343

“Today, there’s hardly any contest – short-form video is now the #1 content marketing format, offering the highest ROI. Short-form video is also the most popular, used by 44% of marketers” HubSpot

“The content marketing strategy begins with three core pillars: Communication, Experiences, and Operations (which bridges the other two)” Search Engine Journal

“Reddit offers a unique opportunity to stay ahead in the competitive world of SEO and content marketing. So, don’t hesitate to explore this valuable resource and unlock the potential it holds for your digital marketing strategy” Keyword Insights

“The point of content marketing is to make sales easier. In B2B content marketing, that means creating content for each of the people involved in the sales process, solving their problems, or addressing their concerns” Ahrefs

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Is Content Marketing a Good Career?

“Among businesses that claim to be extremely successful in content marketing, 82% are using AI content tools” – Semrush’s 2024 AI Content Report

“Publishing frequency takes advantage of the very nature of content marketing - the more you do it, the better the results because they compound, and the easier it is to get those results, too. It’s true, regardless of the channel you’re using” Ahrefs

Content Marketing A to Z

Content marketing plays a critical role in the visibility and success of your website. Identifying low to no-volume keywords is an essential aspect of this strategy. It helps align your piece of content with the specific and unique queries of your target audience” Low343

“Businesses already know that personalization delivers better content marketing results: 98% of companies from a recent study of ours stated that personalization drives customer loyalty” MarketingProfs

"In content marketing, the 10x efforts are more likely to drive 100x results” Orbit Media Studios

“If strategically planned and executed, content marketing has the potential to yield a higher ROI compared to other digital channels, particularly as time progresses beyond the first year” Forbes

“You should aim to create unique content that is different or better than elsewhere. Your overall SEO strategy is important here, as you want a reason to stand out from the crowd, and that should flow through your content marketing” Search Engine Land

“with 70% of marketers actively investing in content marketing, it's critical to develop a good content strategy to compete in your industry” HubSpot

“Creating ROI-driven content requires a strategic approach that seamlessly integrates your content marketing efforts with your overall business objectives” Search Engine Land

“Over half of marketers say content marketing is more effective than it was a year ago” – Verblio

“One fast track to brand loyalty may, surprisingly, be content marketing” - Search Engine Land

Repurposing content is a great way to scale up your content marketing without starting over every time you want to create a post for a new format. This is why content repurposing is a hot content marketing trend right now” – Backlinko

“Content marketing has been highly effective for B2B marketers. Over the past 12 months, 84% of them report that it has significantly enhanced brand awareness” Mobile App Daily

“In content marketing, brevity is the soul of digital content. Google wants it. YouTube likes it. LinkedIn prefers it. But just as importantly, audiences do, too” CMI

“According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers incorporate content marketing into their overall marketing strategies. This is enough proof that content is a great marketing strategy that can drive revenue growth” – Sitebulb

“B2B content marketing is no longer restricted to white papers and case studies. It can’t be. B2B buyers — otherwise known as humans like the rest of us — demand more variety, more creativity, and more relevance than the old reliable formats can offer” – TopRank Marketing

“Over half of marketers say content marketing is more effective than it was a year ago” – Verblio

“Visual content is the top content type (87%), followed by the written word (84%). Eighty-eight percent of B2B marketers use written content, compared to 82% of B2C” - 2024 Social Media Marketing Industry Report by Social Media Examiner

“If you’re not sure what content format to create, look at the SERPs for your chosen keywords to see what performs well organically, or experiment with different content types to see what performs best with your audience” – Moz

“Research reports are a sought-after form of content. 55% of B2B buyers regularly consume research reports, and rate them as the most valuable type of content when evaluating purchasing decisions” – TopRank Marketing

“Develop diverse content types that showcase your unique features. SEO shouldn't just be about visibility in Google search but also include a presence on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc., since these are search engines, too” – Eli’s Newsletter

Keep checking back for future updates to this post about content marketing statistics.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – When Did Content Marketing Start?

P.S: Ready to [unlock the power of digital marketing] and drive [your] business forward? – Access my forum today

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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