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How Bad are Unoptimized Images for a Website?

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

How bad are unoptimized images for a website - [optimized images for page speed and SEO]
Photo by Yan Krukov [Pexels]

How Bad are Unoptimized Images for a Website?:

Unoptimized images for a website can lower the rankings of your website.

Although there are some sites that allow users to upload images without optimization, images that are not optimized can affect the loading speed of your website.

"The larger your image file size, the longer it takes the web page to load"

Images that are not optimized may also take more space on your website’s server and may increase the number of requests your site is making which may affect your site’s loading time or even result in a timeout error.

Unoptimized images for a website also result in poor user experience, lower engagement, and ultimately lower conversions (generally sales).

The impact will also depend on a number of factors, including the image file size, image file format, and image file quality (resolution in pixels).

Therefore, it is important to ensure that images on your website are optimized as this can have a positive impact on the overall image performance of your website, else

leads to a poor user experience and increased page load time, increased bounce rate, and ultimately affects the SEO performance of the website.

To overcome the issues above, here are the expert-recommended free tools that can help compress your images without affecting their quality: TinyPNG, ShortPixel, and ImageOptim.

Pro-Tip: To enhance your search engine ranking, incorporate alt text for images, using file names that include relevant keywords.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Google’s Various Systems For Search Engine Ranking [18 Major Findings from New Google Guide].

P.S: Visit Digital Marketing Forum that answers [most un-answered] questions.

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow.

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