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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

How does Google Rank Search Results? - [18 Major Findings]

Updated: Jan 11

how does google rank search results - [how does google rank pages] - [google ranking systems]
Photo by Anete Lusina [Pexels]

How does Google Rank Search Results? - [Google Search Ranking System]:

Wondering how does Google rank pages? What Google ranking systems are in place? How does Google rank content?, or How does Google ranking work? Don't worry; here is everything you need.

Over the years, Google has shared information about its automated ranking systems in various blog posts, videos, social media, and articles, including public communications.

Almost a couple of years ago, they made it easier to learn those in a single place by releasing their New Guide To Google Search Ranking Systems via their official announcement on November 21, 2022, which is highly useful for webmasters, content producers, or creators.

To give you more information, let's go deeper. Also, don't forget to read the FAQs at the end.

How does Google Rank Search Results?:

Google Search Ranking Systems [18 Major Findings from the New Guide]:

The key findings that I believe are [significant to you] are shared here after reading the entire New Guide to Google Search Rankings Systems.

If you feel the need to do so, you may view it at the end of this blog post and be prepared for the future to achieve the best search results.

To help you better grasp these findings, I have made every effort to keep it as simple as possible.

How Does Google Search Ranking Work? - [Google Ranking Systems]:

1. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers [BERT]:

An AI system Google uses to understand how combinations of words express different meanings and intent.

2. Deduplication Systems:

Unhelpful duplication is avoided by only showing the most relevant results.

If a web page listing is elevated to become a featured snippet, it will not be repeated on the first page of results later on.

This process helps people locate relevant information more easily and removes clutter from the results.

3. Exact Match Domain System:

Avoids giving too much credit for content hosted under domains designed to match specific queries.

4. Freshness Systems:

Shows fresh content based on the queries.

5. Helpful Content System:

It lets people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, rather than content made to gain search engine traffic in search results.

6. Link Analysis Systems and PageRank:

PageRank is one of Google’s core ranking systems that has been used since Google launched.

A variety of systems are used to determine what pages are about and which ones might be most helpful in responding to queries, based on the way pages link to one another.

7. Multitask Unified Model [MUM]:

An AI system is capable of both understanding and generating language. It's not used for general ranking in searches at present.

8. Neural Matching:

An AI system to match representations of concepts in queries and pages.

9. Original Content Systems:

Ensures that original content is given priority in search results, including original reporting, by ensuring that those who merely cite it are shown behind it.

Can Google Remove Search Results?:

10. Removal based Demotion Systems:

It allows certain content to be removed from legal and personal information perspectives, and it demotes the site’s other content in search results.

11. Page Experience System:

It helps give preference to content with a better page experience based on a variety of criteria, such as how quickly pages load, mobile-friendliness, if pages lack intrusive interstitials, and if pages are served securely.

While page experience is still important, Google still seeks to rank pages with the best information overall, even if the page experience is subpar.

A great page experience doesn't override having great page content. However, in instances where multiple pages may be similar in relevance, page experience can be much more important for visibility in search results.

Page Experience Signals:

Page experience system signals - [search ranking algorithm]
Image Source - Google Search Central

12. Passage Ranking System:

An AI system is used to identify individual passages or sections of a web page to better understand how relevant a page is to a search query.

13. Product Reviews System:

Rewards high-quality product reviews, content that provides insightful analysis and original research, and writing by experts or enthusiasts who are knowledgeable about the topic.

14. Rank Brain:

An AI system that helps better understand the relationship between words and concepts so that, more relevant content is shown or returned even if it doesn't contain all the words used in a search.

15. Reliable Information Systems:

Provide users with the highest-quality information possible by showing more reliable pages and demoting low-quality content, as well as by elevating quality journalism.

If there is a lack of reliable content information, systems show or display content advisories automatically.

16. Site Diversity System:

Ensures that not more than two [2] web page listings from the same site are in the top search results, further ensuring that no single site dominates all the top results.

However, there may still be more than two listings displayed in situations where such systems determine that they are especially suitable for a specific search query.

17. Spam Detection Systems:

That includes SpamBrain which deals with content and behaviors that deviate from or violate the spam policies of Google Search.

Spam threats constantly evolve in new ways, and these systems are constantly updated to keep up with them.

18. Related Significant Google Ranking Factors:

[those integrated into various successor systems or made part of core ranking systems]


A major improvement to overall ranking systems [August 2013]. There has been continued evolution of ranking systems since then, just as there had been before.

Mobile-Friendly Ranking System:

Preference for content that is rendered better on mobile devices [among many possible matches], and this system is incorporated into the page experience system.

Page Speed System:

Announced in 2018. Content that loads faster for mobile users would do better in mobile search results and is part of a page experience system.

Panda System:

Announced in 2011 and becoming part of the core ranking systems in 2015, that ensures high-quality and original content appears in search results.

Penguin System:

Announced in 2012. Designed to combat link spam and integrated into core ranking systems in 2016.

Secure Sites System:

It was announced in 2014 and is part of the page experience system. Encourages the use of HTTPS to make sites secure.

Here is a related new insight I read recently:

"In the absence of official confirmation, we can only speculate about the likelihood that TW-BERT is a part of Google’s search ranking algorithm" - Search Engine Journal

Also, don't forget to check Google Search Essentials which is required for your path to success with Google Search.

New Development by Google in 2023:

Integration of AI into search resulted in a new Search Generative Experience [SGE], which is currently widely in use.

“With AI-powered advancements like SGE on the horizon, 2024 will likely bring dramatic changes to SERPs and organic search visibility. By optimizing for engagement, conversions and overall user experience – rather than traditional keyword rankings alone – you can position your brand to thrive as search evolves” Search Engine Land

In conclusion, I trust that these insights or findings will assist you in making informed decisions when crafting content aligned with Google Search goals and in preparing for the future.

Also, if you are interested in reading the complete New Guide to Google Search Ranking Systems, you may access it here.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Will AI Kill SEO?


Does Google Rank ChatGPT Content?:

Yes, Google can rank ChatGPT content. But make sure it is unique. Remember to make the necessary modifications and verify the information for accuracy instead of just copying and pasting.

Does ChatGPT Content Rank on Google?:

Yes, ChatGPT content can rank on Google.

How does Google Rank Websites?:

Google ranks websites significantly based on the following factors, powered by complex algorithms and updates:

  • Relevance: Google assesses the content's relevance to the user's search query, search phrases, or keywords.

  • Quality Content: High-quality, unique, and informative content is prioritized.

  • Backlinks: The number and quality of links from other credible websites influence rankings.

  • User Experience: User-friendly websites with easy navigation are favored.

  • Page Load Speed: Faster-loading pages are given preference.

  • Mobile Compatibility: Mobile-friendly sites are prioritized in mobile searches.

  • Security: Secure websites with HTTPS are preferred.

  • Domain Authority: Established and reputable domains rank higher, generally.

  • Freshness: Updated and current content is valued.

  • Technical SEO: Proper HTML, meta tags, and structured data contribute to ranking.

  • User Engagement: Metrics like click-through rates, bounce rate, and time spent on a page impact rankings.

How does Google Ranking Work?:

Google ranking is determined by multiple algorithms assessing factors like relevance, content quality, backlinks, user experience, user engagement, content freshness, fast loading, security, and technical aspects.

most important Google algorithms updates of all time

Which Factors does Google use to Determine your Ad Rank?:

Google determines ad rank based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and the expected impact of ad extensions and other ad formats.

How to Increase SEO Ranking in Google?:

Here is how to increase your SEO ranking on Google:

  1. Optimize Content: Create unique, high-quality, and relevant content. Focus on EEAT aspects.

  2. Keyword Usage: Use relevant keywords naturally. Ensure there is no keyword stuffing.

  3. Backlinks: Build quality backlinks from reputable sites. Buying links is against Google guidelines.

  4. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your site is mobile-friendly. Focus on responsive web design.

  5. Page Load Speed: Optimize for faster loading times. The longer the delay, the higher the bounce rate.

  6. User Experience (UX): Improve site navigation and design.

  7. Technical SEO: Optimize HTML, meta tags, and site structure. Make it easy to crawl.

  8. Secure Connection: Use HTTPS for a secure connection.

  9. Regular Updates: Keep content fresh and up-to-date.

  10. Social Signals: Engage on social media to boost visibility. Also, ensure social media integration to boost content reach and visibility.

  11. Local SEO: Optimize for local searches if applicable.

Does Google Crawl Hidden Content?:

Google generally doesn't prioritize hidden content, and it may not carry the same weight in ranking. It's advisable to ensure that critical information is visible for proper indexing and ranking.

Is More Content Better for SEO?:

Yes, more content is better for SEO, but quality cannot be compromised. In other words, quantity alone does not guarantee better rankings. Focus on providing valuable, relevant content rather than just increasing volume.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Competitive Organic Results [Navigate Organic Wins in SEO with FAQs]

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P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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