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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

Why Affiliate Marketers Fail?

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

why affiliate marketing does not work - [why affiliate marketers fail]

Why Affiliate Marketers Fail?:

This post is all about understanding why affiliate marketing does not work?, why affiliate marketers fail? or give up on this journey.

Most new affiliate marketers enter the industry with the expectation of making a lot of money quickly, but not having a complete understanding of the guiding principles of the industry.

Why Do Affiliate Marketers Fail?

To be clear, affiliate marketing is not a quick-rich scheme; rather, it is a legitimate online business that must be addressed as such.

Others may be able to influence certain people to use affiliate marketing in order for them to achieve financial success in the same manner.

Some people join affiliate networks or affiliate programs because they see a friend or workmate succeeding, while others think that placing or clicking affiliate links would instantly result in sales.

Because of this, a lot of people believe that affiliate marketing works in this way and quickly start using links (for sales and commissions). They keep going for a few days or even months before giving up in frustration.

Affiliate sales can happen quickly in some circumstances, but they can also take months.

Based on who you are and how much knowledge you have acquired during the course learning and implementation process, the reasons and situations change.

"Do you know this? - Affiliate marketing as an industry is now worth $12 Billion a year and is expected to grow by 10% in the next few years, contributing to about 15% of the total revenue made through ALL digital marketing" - JVZOO [Global Affiliate Network Platform]

Based on findings from online research from numerous websites and observations made by peers who have previously achieved success, they identified the following as the top 11 main causes of affiliate marketers quitting too soon:

Here's related information that you may find helpful – 37 Hard Secrets Every Beginner or Intermediate Affiliate Marketer Need To Be Aware Of.

1. Poor Earnings:

Earnings are insufficient and embarrassed to say it in public. It does not grant them what they want.

2. Expected Outcomes Takes Time:

Due to the presumption that the system will fail as a result of low or no sales and commissions, they are unwilling to pursue it further in their mind.

3. Efforts Have Yielded No Results:

Due to the low engagement in marketing initiatives and campaigns, many people remain disillusioned and unwilling to consider alternative possibilities.

4. Unable to do Business with Paid Campaigns:

Due to financial obligations or restrictions - Reluctant to invest in sponsored advertisements due to financial obligations that prevent them from working or previous paid campaigns that didn't go well for them.

“People buy from people they trust and they trust people they like” – Garrison Wynn

5. Not Afford to Have a Website or Blog:

Although it gives one more freedom in promoting affiliate products or services via articles, reviews, comparisons, and other ways, the significance of having one's own website or blog is overlooked owing to a lack of knowledge of the foundations of affiliate marketing online business.

Due to their lack of confidence and long-term business planning, they will not be able to afford to start a website or blog, but an expert affiliate marketer will view it as a digital asset.

[Want to know about thousands of affiliate programs and niches to make your efforts easier and start confidently? - Access Affilisting]

6. Affiliate links are Not Entertained on Any Social Media Platforms:

The majority of affiliate marketers are consequently prohibited from employing them on their accounts due to persistent violations of the social media platform's community posting guidelines.

No social media network accepts or tolerates affiliate links since they foster a spammy environment and undermine the purpose of the site.

7. Unable to Generate Leads or E-Mail Lists:

Many successful affiliate marketers believe that generating leads or email lists, nurturing them, and regularly offering deals or affiliate products to drive sales and earn affiliate commissions is one of the most common affiliate marketing strategies or techniques.

Affiliates cannot afford to build an email list, so they typically rule it out because it is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of tools and money.

They quit working in this affiliate business, or they give up because this is not what they had hoped for when they began.

8. Not Having Enough Patience To Work:

Most newbies or beginners and intermediate affiliate marketers hope or desire quick sales commissions. However, it takes time and effort to learn, make mistakes, analyze them, work on them again, and generate sales.

It will take a few years of consistent effort to learn the trade techniques if you want to be successful in business.

Affiliates decide to quit when they see that things aren't happening quickly enough, believing that the system isn't working for them.

9. Short-Cut Strategies Do Not Work:

When affiliates engage in unprofessional affiliate marketing techniques such as spamming with links, cross-posting in several groups, and sending forced DMs, they will not see any results.

They give up after trying these techniques because they do not result in anything.

10. Accounts Banned by Virtue of Unprofessional Affiliate Practices:

A survey reveals that most affiliate marketers advertise affiliate products through social media channels in free form.

It is not acceptable to post affiliate links on any social media platform, as this creates a spammy environment and dilutes the platform's purpose.

They are forced to depart because they cannot conduct the same job or work if their social media accounts are restricted or shut down.

Here's related information that you may find helpful – Disclosing Affiliate Links [Is it really necessary?]

11. Not Willing to Work for a Longer Period of Time:

Working occasionally does not make sense. Working illogically and uncommitted does not produce satisfactory outcomes, and eventually, it stops working.

In other words, not willing to commit to work for a few hours every day to do affiliate marketing.

When it comes to “quick success” there has never been a substitution for “hard work”.

The clear takeaway for all newbie and intermediate affiliate marketers is to learn affiliate marketing online business professionally by understanding the basics or fundamentals of the business, knowing Do's and Don'ts, working and non-working methods, approaches, and methods to work in the long term.

"The most successful affiliate marketers in 2023 will be content creators and relationship builders first and foremost" - JVZOO

Due to the reasons stated above, affiliate marketers have to work in a professional manner by following safe affiliate marketing practices during the affiliate journey to earn future profits with consistent efforts.


Is Affiliate Marketing Too Competitive?:

Yes, affiliate marketing is too competitive.

Is Affiliate Marketing Hard To Do?:

Yes, affiliate marketing is hard to do. The majority of inexperienced affiliate marketers mistakenly believe the opposite and give up.

Affiliate Marketing Pitfalls:

Here are the 15 affiliate marketing pitfalls you need to be seriously aware of to get ready to excel in this online journey:

affiliate marketing pitfalls - [affiliate marketing mistakes to avoid]
Image Content Source - Generated through ChatGPT

Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work?:

Yes, affiliate marketing still works. For this very reason, businesses of all sizes around the world have embraced this strategy to reach new audiences and boost sales by implementing affiliate program.

As of date, there are over 10,000 affiliate programs, across various business niches.

Here's some more related information that you may find helpful - 81 Affiliate Marketing FAQs and answers to see if they may help you move forward as an Affiliate Marketer with confidence.

P.S: Visit Digital Marketing Forum that answers [most un-answered] questions.

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow.

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