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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

Objectives of Marketing Research

Updated: Jan 8

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Photo by Keira Burton [Pexels]

Objectives of Marketing Research:

The primary objective of marketing research is to assist companies in understanding their target market and the demand for their products.

This information can be used to decide which products to develop, how to position products in the market, and how to price products for maximum sales.

Market research involves gathering survey data from a target audience to gain insight into their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This information can be used to improve marketing efforts and achieve better results.

“86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience” - Adobe Accelerator eBook Series

Objectives of Market Research:

Here are the 4 core objectives of marketing research:

1. Measure Awareness of a Product or Service:

Marketing research can help you understand how well-known your product or service is and how widely it is used.

It can also help you understand what messaging is most effective in promoting your product or service.

2. Gauge Interest in a Product or Service:

Marketing research can help you understand how attractive your product or service is to potential customers.

You can measure interest based on factors such as desire, willingness to purchase, and the likelihood of purchase.

3. Test New Product Concepts:

Marketing research can help you evaluate the viability of new product concepts before you invest in development or marketing efforts.

You can test different names, packaging, or features to determine what is most likely to be successful with your target audience.

“Spend time testing new methods for acquiring clients and new messaging tactics until you feel like you’ve found a highly successful, easily repeatable process” Cloud Campaign

4. Optimize Marketing Campaigns:

After new products are launched, marketing research can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

You can use the data collected in market surveys to improve the performance of your campaigns by adjusting messaging, campaign timing, or media selection.

Overall, marketing research objectives as a strategy help gain insight into the target market and understand your customer needs, behaviors, and expectations that could assist in improving your business products and services, thereby making more effective marketing campaigns to achieve the desired results.

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What is the Purpose of Marketing Research?:

The purpose of marketing research is to gather data, analyze, and interpret information about a market, including understanding consumer behavior, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and develop effective marketing strategies.

State the Objectives of Marketing Research:

The aims or objectives of marketing research, as collectively summarized:

  1. Understand Market Dynamics: Gain insights into market trends, competition, and consumer behavior.

  2. Identify Opportunities: Uncover potential areas for business growth and development.

  3. Evaluate Marketing Effectiveness: Assess the impact of current marketing strategies.

  4. Mitigate Risks: Identify potential risks and challenges in the market.

  5. Improve Decision-Making: Provide data for informed and strategic decision-making.

  6. Enhance Product Development: Gather feedback for refining or creating products or services.

  7. Optimize Pricing Strategies: Determine optimal pricing based on market conditions.

  8. Enhance Customer Satisfaction: Understand customer needs and preferences to improve satisfaction.

  9. Inform Communication Strategies: Tailor marketing messages to effectively reach the target audience.

  10. Support Innovation: Facilitate the development of innovative solutions and offerings.

Main Channels for Online Brand Research:

When is Marketing Research Not Needed?:

Marketing research may not be needed when:

  1. Decisions are Routine: For routine, low-impact decisions with well-established best practices.

  2. Budget Constraints: When the cost of research outweighs the potential benefits.

  3. Information is Readily Available: If relevant and reliable data is already accessible.

  4. Small-Scale Operations: For small businesses with a limited scope of operations and a clear understanding of their market.

  5. Proven Strategies: When the market and consumer behavior are well understood and established, strategies consistently yield positive results.

Who is Responsible for Market Research?:

The responsibility for market research in an organization often falls under the marketing department, with dedicated market researchers or analysts managing the process.

“80% of marketers ranked social media advertising, websites and email highly on impact” - LinkedIn’s 8th Annual Technology Buying and Marketing Research Report

Why is it Important for Marketing Research to be Objective-based?:

Objective-based marketing research ensures a clear purpose, guides the research process, and provides focused insights, leading to more informed and effective decision-making.

How Important is Marketing Research?:

Marketing research is important as it provides businesses with crucial insights into market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes, enabling informed decision-making and effective strategy development.

What are the Objectives of International Marketing Research?:

Here are the objectives of international marketing research, in general:

  1. Understanding Cultural Differences: Gain insights into diverse cultures affecting market behavior.

  2. Assessing Global Market Opportunities: Identify potential markets for international expansion.

  3. Adapting to Regulatory Environments: Understand and comply with varied international regulations.

  4. Evaluating Global Competition: Analyze competitors in different regions.

  5. Optimizing Marketing Mix: Tailor products, pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies for diverse markets.

  6. Managing Cross-Cultural Communication: Develop effective communication strategies considering cultural nuances.

  7. Mitigating Risks: Identify and address risks associated with international market entry.

  8. Ensuring Global Brand Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand image across diverse markets.

Market Research Objectives for New Product:

Here are the market research objectives for a new product, in general:

  1. Assess Market Viability: Determine if there is a demand for the new product.

  2. Understand Target Audience: Identify and understand the needs and preferences of the target market.

  3. Evaluate Competition: Analyze similar existing products and competitors in the market.

  4. Optimize Product Features: Gather insights to refine and enhance the new product.

  5. Set Pricing Strategies: Determine an appropriate pricing strategy based on market conditions.

  6. Inform Marketing and Launch: Develop effective marketing strategies and plans for the product launch.

Impact of Marketing Research in Achieving Organizational Goals:

Marketing research significantly contributes to achieving organizational goals by:

  1. Providing valuable insights that inform strategic decision-making,

  2. Optimize resource allocation and budget,

  3. Enhance customer satisfaction, and

  4. Facilitate the development of effective marketing strategies.

“Even if you think you know your customers through and through, market research can reveal even deeper insight into their needs, preferences, motivations, and behaviors” HubSpot

Research Objectives of Social Media Marketing:

Here are the research objectives of social media marketing in general:

  1. Audience Analysis: Understand target audience demographics, behaviors, and preferences.

  2. Platform Effectiveness: Assess the performance of social media platforms for marketing goals.

  3. Content Engagement: Evaluate the effectiveness of content in driving engagement and conversions.

  4. Competitor Analysis: Analyze competitors' social media strategies and performance.

  5. ROI Measurement: Measure the return on investment (ROI) of social media marketing efforts.

  6. Trend Identification: Identify and leverage current trends in social media marketing.

  7. Brand Perception: Gauge how social media activities impact brand perception and reputation.

  8. Optimization Strategies: Inform strategies to optimize social media campaigns for better results.

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