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Will Blogger be Shut Down? - [Revealed]

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

Will Blogger be Shut Down
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio [Pexels]

Will Blogger be Shut Down?:

As of right now, based on the knowledge and facts I currently have, there is no indication that Blogger will be shut down.

In fact, I haven't read or heard of any such news in recent days and months elsewhere, and I haven't even come across any of the industry email newsletters I've been following.

Blogger is a blogging platform that has been around since 1999 and was owned by Google in 2003.

Over the years, it has gone through several changes and updates, but it remains one of the choices for bloggers who want a free and easy-to-use platform.

There have been rumors in the past that Blogger might be shut down, but those rumors have always turned out to be false. In fact, Google has continued to improve the platform, though not drastically.

It's also important to note that, while there are no indications that Blogger will be shut down anytime soon, websites and online platforms can be unpredictable.

It's always a good idea to have a backup plan in case something unexpected happens as because Google had done similar shutdowns on some of their products [or features] in the past.

If you're a blogger who uses Blogger, you can take some steps to protect your blog from any potential shutdown.

First, make sure you have a backup of your blog's content, either by exporting it or using a third-party backup service.

Second, consider using a custom domain for your blog instead of the default Blogspot domain. This can help make your blog more professional and give you more control over your online presence.

While I make an effort to update this post in the future with any relevant information, we cannot assume anything at this time given how the AI revolution and the fierce competition in the market could alter Blogger's future!

In conclusion, there are no indications that Blogger will be shut down anytime soon, but it's always a good idea to have a backup plan in case something unexpected happens.

As long as you take steps to protect your blog and its content, you can continue to use Blogger as a reliable and easy-to-use platform for your blogging needs.


Who uses Blogger?:

Anyone can use the Blogger platform, even though it continues to be a popular option for newcomers, novices, or people who want to start a blog for personal reasons [hobby].

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