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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

How To Rank Blog Posts? - [Blog Ranking]

Updated: Mar 30

how to rank blog post - [blog ranking] - [rank blog posts]
Photo by Anna Shvets [Pexels]

How To Rank Blog Posts?:

Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, understanding how to effectively optimize your blog posts can have a significant impact on your online visibility and audience engagement.

Furthermore, aspects like your blog niche, its competition, and high-quality content all significantly influence blog post ranking.

It is also important to understand that SEO is a long-term game and requires ongoing effort to stay ahead of the competition and make your blog post rank.

So, to make your efforts easier, here are a few important tips that can help get your blog ranked in the search engines. To give you more information, let's go deeper.

Do you know? - “Bloggers spend 60% more time per blog post than they did 10 years ago” Orbit Media Studios [Bloggers Survey 2023]

Blog Posts Ranking:

Here are the four major tips on how to rank blog posts:

1. Start with Keyword Research:

It's important to do your keyword research before you even begin writing your blog post. This will help you identify what keywords your potential readers are searching for and give you an idea of what topics to focus on in your post.

The harder it is to rank, if the keyword difficulty value is higher. Here is how to use SEO keywords in blog posts or blog content and their best practices. Remember, quality content is the name of the game.

How to use SEO Keywords?:

2. Optimize Blog Posts:

Once you have identified the right keywords to focus on, make sure to optimize your post for those keywords.

This means using the keywords in the title, headings, body text, alt tags, and meta tags of your post. But make sure to avoid black hat SEO practices.

Where to Place Keywords?:

Here are the locations generally recommended to place keywords to rank in search results:

where to place keywords to rank in SERPs

Use optimized images (less than 200 KB in size). Also, don’t ignore Technical SEO aspects, as this is crucial for crawling, indexing pages, and appearing in search results.

Pro-Tip: Make sure your content is unique, of top-notch quality, and crafted with the reader's interests in mind rather than just for search engines. Later, you can optimize it before publication to enhance its discoverability.

3. Link to other Relevant Blogs:

Linking to other relevant blogs is an important part of SEO, but it isn't a direct ranking factor. However, it helps enhance the perceived authority and relevance of your content.

When search engines see that your blog is connected to other reputable and related blogs, it can positively impact your website's credibility.

4. Promote Blog Posts:

Promoting your blog is essential if you want to get it ranked or boost its maximum chances of ranking.

This can be done through social media, guest blogging, newsletters, podcasts, or even paid advertising if you have a budget.

To reach as many people as possible, you might use content distribution strategies (across all your marketing channels), including content repurposing techniques.

Over time, these collective efforts enhance link-building opportunities, thereby positively influencing the potential for higher rankings.

Are you aware? - “When a social post that links to a piece of content gets a lot of traction, it means that the content is being read, which in turn improves its ranking” – SmartBug and rockcontent [Report for 2023]

In conclusion, mastering the art of ranking blog posts is crucial for increasing visibility and attracting a wider audience.

By implementing strategic SEO practices and consistently delivering valuable, high-quality content, you can significantly improve your blog's search engine rankings and ultimately drive more traffic to your site.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – How to Improve SEO with Google Analytics?

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P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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