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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

Why is Mobile Marketing Important?

Updated: Jan 25

why is mobile marketing important
Photo by Keira Burton [Pexels]

Why is Mobile Marketing Important?:

Mobile is the future of digital marketing, and the trend is significantly evolving in a post-pandemic era. Mobile marketing is the process of targeting potential customers using mobile devices.

It uses features like geolocation, app stores, previous engagement data, and SMS to get marketing information to potential customers on their phones.

Do you know? - “Mobile traffic share reached 65% of digital traffic in Q4, up from 63% the prior year” - 2023 Digital Experience Benchmark Report by Contentsquare

Mobile marketing also uses advertising strategies like mobile ads or mobile coupons in apps or websites to drive traffic to company sites or third-party sites where they can download company apps.

It has become essential for businesses looking to grow their customer base, drive sales, and increase brand awareness. Read on to learn why mobile marketing is so important today.

"In 2020, the global mobile marketing market size was estimated at around 11 billion U.S. dollars, and by 2030, this figure is expected to surpass 55 billion" - Statista

Importance of Mobile Marketing:

5 major reasons that make mobile marketing important:

1. Mobile Marketing is Inexpensive:

Mobile marketing is a cost-effective way to market your business to new customers. Since mobile phones are so ubiquitous, it's easy to reach large numbers of potential customers quickly and inexpensively.

It gives you access to your customers, wherever they are. As people increasingly rely on their mobile devices for everything, your business can reach them wherever they go.

You can send them information about your products and services, as well as coupons and special offers that will encourage them to visit your store or website or make a purchase.

It makes it easy for people to share information about your business with others.

You can use mobile marketing tactics like SMS messaging or push notifications to get information out quickly and easily, which means that more people will be exposed to your brand.

Your customers can also easily share information about you with their friends and family by forwarding text messages or emails, which means that you can reach more people in less time than ever before.

“The trend is clear — optimizing for mobile is key for traffic growth, SEO, and great user experience. It’s no surprise that almost 25% of companies invest in mobile as a top SEO tactic” HubSpot

2. Mobile Marketing is Fast:

You can reach thousands of people with a single text message or email, which means that you can get your message out quickly and easily without having to worry about high costs or long lead times.

You can also test various tactics by sending different messages to different groups of customers, so you will be able to see what works best for your business without having to spend a lot of time or money.

It is easy for customers to opt-out if they do not want to hear from you anymore.

Mobile marketing is often more intrusive than traditional marketing techniques like radio ads, television commercials, and billboards because it requires customers' attention right away.

3. Understand Customer:

Mobile marketing allows you to find out who is responding to your messages, so you will be able to see what kind of people are interested in your business and how best to reach them.

"AdAge reports that 44% of customers will take their business elsewhere if they don’t get a personalized experience"

You can also find out what your customers want to hear from you, which will allow you to tailor your messages to their needs.

4. Mobile Marketing Builds Brand:

When customers see your business name and logo, they are more likely to remember who you are and what you have to offer. Mobile marketing allows you to promote your brand in an interactive way that is fun for customers.

It is a good way to advertise your business if you do not have a lot of money or time. You can use this type of marketing on a small budget because the actual cost of sending out an email or text message is very low.

You can also create ads quickly and easily when you need them, so you will be able to get the word out about your business whenever it is most convenient for you.

5. Consumers are on their Phones:

You can take advantage of this by sending out your mobile marketing messages when you know people will be looking at their phones and will have time to check out your business.

“You should optimize your ad copy for smaller screens. Stats for 2023 show that more than half of internet users worldwide (55.45%) browse on their mobile phones” Semrush

This is especially true as the day goes on because people use their phones in the morning to wake up and get started, then again throughout the day until they go to bed at night.

Mobile marketing is often a two-way street, which means that you can interact with customers after they respond to your message.

You can ask them questions about what they liked or did not like about your ad, or talk to them about their needs and how you can fill them.

It also provides you with a way to reach out to customers in a way that they will find interesting and relevant.

It is also a good way to make sure that your customers are getting the information they need from your business, which will make them more likely to keep doing business with you.

In summary, mobile marketing is essential for every business, whether you have a brick-and-mortar location or run your business entirely online.

It allows you to reach potential customers wherever they are, giving them easy access to your brand and more information about your products and services.

It is also a good way to market to potential customers who are already loyal customers.

But don't forget that it is important to make sure that your mobile marketing strategies are tailored to the needs of your audience, which makes mobile marketing successful.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Mobile Marketing Statistics [Mobile is the new traffic source for business].

P.S: Ready to [unlock the power of digital marketing] and drive [your] business forward? – Access my forum today

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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