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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

How does Marketing Influence the Competitiveness of an Organization?

Updated: Jul 30

how does marketing influence the competitiveness of an organization
Photo by Gustavo Fring [Pexels]

How does Marketing Influence the Competitiveness of an Organization?:

Marketing is a vital part of any organization, and it plays a significant role in determining the competitiveness of the company.

In today's competitive business world, it is essential to have a solid marketing strategy that sets the business or brand apart from the competition.

Marketing influences the competitiveness of an organization in several ways, and in this blog post, you will explore some of the key ways in which you should be seriously aware.

To give you more information, let's go deeper. Also, don't forget to read the FAQs at the conclusion.

Do you know? - “Expanding into new channels is sound business practice for companies with long-term growth plans, but it's more than that. Developing the mentality and processes for testing and adoption will equip your organization with critical skills to succeed in an industry noted for its fast pace of innovation”MarketingProfs

Marketing Influences the Competitiveness of an Organization:

Here are the top six ways in which marketing influences the competitiveness of an organization:

1. Creating Brand Awareness:

First, marketing helps to create brand awareness. When potential customers are aware of the brand, they are more likely to choose those business products or services over those of competitors.

Effective marketing campaigns can create a buzz around a brand or business and make it stand out in a crowded marketplace.

This can be achieved through various channels, such as social media, paid advertising, content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and influencer marketing.

“according to HubSpot research, 33% of marketers use paid ads to increase brand awareness”HubSpot

2. Building Customer Loyalty:

Second, marketing helps to build customer loyalty. By engaging with customers and providing them with personalized experiences, companies can create a loyal customer base that will keep coming back for more.

This is particularly important in industries where there is a lot of competition, as it can be challenging to retain customers if they feel they can get a better deal or experience elsewhere.

A strong marketing strategy can help to build trust and loyalty with customers, which will ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue.

“It’s been shown that customer emotion has more impact on customer loyalty than other perception metrics like customer effort and task completion when it comes to the digital experience” Qualtrics

3. Create a Differentiation in the Market:

Third, marketing helps to differentiate a brand or business from the competition. When multiple companies are offering similar products or services, it can be challenging to stand out.

However, by using effective marketing techniques such as branding, storytelling, and emotional messaging, companies can create a unique identity that makes them stand out in the minds of customers.

This differentiation can be the deciding factor when customers are choosing between multiple options in the market.

“Get closer to customers to differentiate and win in a down market. History has shown that in tough times, innovation pays off. The companies that win over the next 12 months will be those who innovate based on a deep understanding of customers’ ever-changing needs” – Qualtrics

4. Drive Sales and Revenue:

Fourth, marketing helps to drive sales and revenue. By creating awareness, building loyalty, and differentiating from the competition, effective marketing campaigns can lead to increased sales and revenue.

This is particularly important in industries where profit margins are tight, as even a small increase in sales can have a significant impact on the bottom line.

Are you aware? - “By 2025, Gartner found that organizations offering a unified commerce experience by frictionlessly moving customers through journeys will see at least a 20% uplift in total revenue”RETAIL DIVE and Commerce Tools Report

5. Develop Pricing Strategy:

Fifth, marketing research can help an organization set appropriate prices for its products or services.

By understanding what the market is willing to pay, an organization can optimize its pricing strategy and gain a competitive edge.

"A study done by pricing experts at McKinsey and Company and published in Harvard Business Review found that a 1% price improvement results in an 11.1% increase in profits" - HubSpot

6. Increase Market Share:

Sixth, and final, marketing activities can help organizations increase their market share by attracting new customers and convincing existing customers to switch from competitors.

By expanding its customer base, an organization can improve its competitive position in the target market.

“A recent Zendesk report, 61% of customers would switch brands after a single bad experience”

Marketing Funnel [Customer Purchase Journey]:

Marketing Funnel -  [Customer Purchase Journey]

In conclusion, marketing plays a critical role in determining the competitiveness of an organization.

By creating brand awareness, building customer loyalty, differentiating the brand, driving sales and revenue, and adopting a pricing strategy, effective marketing campaigns can make a significant difference to a company's success.

It is also essential to have a solid marketing strategy in place [documented, implemented, and monitored] to ensure that the brand or business remains competitive in today's crowded marketplace.

Here's related information that you may find helpful – How can Issues with Global Marketing be Avoided?


Market Competitiveness Definition:

Market competitiveness refers to the ability of a business or product to compete and succeed in a particular market. It is a measure of how well a company can attract and retain customers in the face of competition.

In today's fast-paced and globalized economy, market competitiveness is crucial for businesses to thrive and grow.

What is Competitive Advantage in Marketing?:

Competitive advantage in marketing refers to the unique qualities or strategies that set a company apart from its competitors and allow it to outperform them in the market. It's like having a secret weapon over your rivals.

What Makes a Market Competitive?:

Factors like the presence of multiple players or competitors, easy entry and exit, price transparency, product differentiation, supply and demand dynamics, and effective government regulations make a market competitive.

Why is Competitiveness Important?:

Competitiveness is important because it drives innovation, fosters continuous learning, encourages goal-setting, promotes accountability and transparency, enhances efficiency and productivity, and cultivates collaboration.

Is Market Competition Good or Bad?:

Market competition is generally good because it encourages innovation, efficiency, and consumer choice. However, it should be regulated to prevent negative consequences like market instability or unethical practices.

Here are some ethical considerations businesses should keep in mind.

Which Type of Competition is Most Important to Marketers?:

Direct competition is the most important to marketers because it directly affects their market share, pricing strategy, differentiation, and customer targeting, making it a primary focus for marketing strategies.

Which Market is the Most Competitive?:

In the post-pandemic era, the technology market is most competitive.

Who Benefits Most from Competitive Markets?:

Competitive markets benefit consumers the most by offering lower prices, better quality, more choices, innovation, and efficient services. This fosters economic growth and accountability.

Competitive Market vs Monopoly:

Here are some key differences between a competitive market and monopoly:

Competitive Market vs Monopoly
Image Content Source - Generated through ChatGPT

Competitive Market Efficiency:

Competitive market efficiency refers to the degree to which a market operates optimally and fairly, where prices accurately reflect supply and demand.

In other words, it's all about how effectively a market allocates resources and distributes goods and services.

When a market is efficient, it means that there is healthy competition among sellers and buyers, which leads to the best possible outcomes for both parties.

This is because, in a competitive market, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, rather than artificially manipulated by external factors.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Ready to increase average order value [AOV] in your business?[16 proven marketing tips to succeed]

P.S: Ready to [unlock the power of digital marketing] and drive [your] business forward? – Access my forum today

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, & tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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