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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

What are the Key Components of Email Marketing?

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

email marketing components - [What are the key components of Email Marketing]
Photo by Karolina Grabowska [Pexels]

Email Marketing Components:

Since the rise of email marketing, businesses have been using this marketing technique to reach out to existing customers and potential customers.

With the use of emails, businesses are able to stay connected to their target audiences, build trust and relationships, and send them information about products and services that may be of interest to them.

E-Mail marketing return on investment (ROI): 36USD [Statista]

As with any type of marketing campaign, it is important to have a well-thought-out email marketing strategy to succeed.

What are the Key Components of Email Marketing?:

Here are the six email marketing components that you should keep in mind to make it successful:

1. Keep it Short and Simple:

Recipient attention spans are short, so make sure your email is easy to read and understand.

Personalization of e-mail builds curiosity and engages your readers or subscribers. Make it mobile-friendly to boost traffic. [Mobile share of e-mail opens: 36.6% [Statista]]

2. Use Relevant Imagery and Content:

Images help draw your reader's attention and can increase your CTRs (Click Through Rates). Make sure your images are relevant to the content of the email, and don't just fill up space.

Including irrelevant or uninteresting content will only cause recipients to unsubscribe from your mailing list and stop reading your emails.

Share of businesses using video in their email marketing campaigns: 47% [Statista]

3. Goal Setting:

Try to think about what you want your recipients to do after reading your emails.

It could be that you want them to sign up for your newsletter, buy a product, or take some type of action. Whatever it is, make sure that your campaigns are directed towards this goal.

4. Engaging Headlines:

These can make or break your campaigns. It is important to choose subject lines or headlines that are clickable and enticing while still conveying the message of your email.

5. Focus on Call To Action:

Try not to overwhelm your readers with multiple requests in one email. Pick one most important call to action (CTA) you want your readers to take, and make that the focus of your email.

6. Frequency:

You want to create an email marketing campaign that will be effective without being too invasive and annoying for your recipients.

Try sending out emails every two or three weeks, or even less frequently if possible, depending on the nature of your business and the product or service you are selling.

“To maximize the profitability of email marketing, companies need to increase the number of people in their email base. If your subscriber list is small, you will struggle to meet your e-commerce goals, even if your messaging is spot on and the conversion rates are good” - Wunderkind and Retail Dive Report

Pro-Tip: Email segmentation enhances the overall effectiveness of email marketing, and concentrating on it over time produces superior results compared to a generic email marketing plan. Don't ignore it.

Here's related information that might also be useful to you – 46 Best Email Marketing Campaign Tips To Power Sales [or Conversions].

Want more? Here is an e-mail marketing platform that could save you time, money, and effort—and you might even earn too!

P.S: Ready to [unlock the power of digital marketing] and drive [your] business forward? – Access my forum today

P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, & tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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