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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

Where are [Keywords placed] to Rank Higher?

Updated: Feb 22

where are keywords placed to rank higher - [where do keywords go in a website content]
Photo by Michael Burrows [Pexels]

Where are Keywords placed to Rank Higher?:

Keywords play a crucial role in helping your content rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). By strategically placing keywords in your content, you can increase your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.

So, where exactly should you put your keywords to achieve the best results? Let's dive in!

Do you know? - “Ultra long-tail keywords are driving the largest chunk of sales” NP Digital

Keywords Places to Rank Higher:

Here are the locations where you can place keywords to achieve a higher ranking in search results:

1. Page Titles:

Including your target keyword in the title of your web page is a great way to signal to search engines what your content is about.

Make sure the keyword is placed towards the beginning of the title for maximum impact.

2. Meta Descriptions:

Although meta descriptions don't directly impact search rankings, they do influence click-through rates (CTR).

Including your keyword in the meta description can help attract users' attention and entice them to click on your link.

3. Headings and Subheadings:

Incorporating keywords in your headings (H1, H2, etc.) and subheadings not only helps with SEO but also improves the readability and organization of your content. It tells both search engines and readers what each section is about.

Felt impact? - “Google SGE is expected to reduce organic traffic significantly to websites for many keywords because searchers will be able to get the answer directly in Google’s AI-generated answer. The one bright spot? Websites that can’t reach the top 10 of Google’s organic results might be able to appear as links within SGE” Search Engine Land

4. URL Structure:

When creating URLs for your web pages, try to include your primary keyword. Short, descriptive URLs are favored by search engines and can give a slight boost to your rankings.

5. First Paragraph:

Introducing your keyword naturally within the first paragraph of your content is a good practice. This helps search engines quickly understand the focus of your article and its relevance to users' search queries.

6. Body Text:

Sprinkle your keyword throughout the body of your content, but be careful not to overdo it. Aim for a natural placement that flows well with the rest of the text.

Keyword stuffing can harm your rankings and make your content appear spammy.

7. Image Alt Tags:

Alt tags provide alternative text for images on your website. Including relevant keywords in these tags can improve image search rankings and accessibility for visually impaired users.

8. Anchor Text:

When linking to other pages within your website or externally, use keyword-rich anchor text. This helps search engines understand the context of the linked page and can boost its visibility in search results.

“Thinking about content in the context of individual keywords doesn’t make as much sense anymore. Your website needs to cover every stage of the search journey. You need to be aggressively in control of your topical authority”iPullRank

Remember, while optimizing your content for keywords is important, it should never compromise the readability and quality of your content.

Write for humans first, then optimize for search engines. By striking the right balance, you'll create valuable content that ranks higher and engages readers effectively.

Map Keywords to Buyers Journey and User Intent:

map keywords to buyers journey and user intent

Overall, I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights on where to place keywords to rank higher in search results. Good luck with your SEO efforts.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Know about Do Follow and No Follow Links [Are they important for website’s SEO?]

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P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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