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Writer's pictureMadhu Kumar C

Why is Brand Perception Important? - [Mind its Gap]

Updated: 1 day ago

Why is Brand Perception Important - [what is brand perception]
Photo by Gustavo Fring [Pexels]

Why is Brand Perception Important?:

Brand perception is extremely important for businesses, as it plays a crucial role in shaping how consumers perceive and interact with a brand.

In today's competitive market, where consumers have endless options at their fingertips, creating a positive brand perception can be the key to standing out and attracting loyal customers.

Let's dig deeper to provide you with more information. Also, don't forget to read the FAQs at the end.

Do you know? - “Creating an emotional connection with customers is key to building trust and positive brand perception” Search Engine Journal

Importance of Brand Perception:

1. First and foremost, brand perception directly impacts a consumer's purchasing decision. When faced with numerous options, consumers often rely on their perception of a brand to make a choice.

A positive brand perception can instill trust and confidence in consumers, making them more likely to choose that brand over its competitors.

On the other hand, a negative perception can drive potential customers away, leading to a loss of sales and market share.

2. Furthermore, brand perception also influences customer loyalty and advocacy. Consumers who have a positive perception of a brand are more likely to become repeat customers and brand advocates.

They not only continue to purchase from the brand but also recommend it to their friends, family, and social networks.

Positive word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing strategies and can significantly impact a brand's perception, growth, and success.

Remember - "Your social profiles are often the first touchpoint customers have with your organization – and as such, social media is a potent branding tool that affects brand perception, sentiment, authority, and trust” Search Engine Journal

3. Brand perception also affects a company's ability to attract and retain top talent. A strong brand image can make a company more attractive to potential employees who align with its values and mission.

It can also help in retaining existing employees by fostering a sense of pride and loyalty towards the organization.

Employees who believe in the brand are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and dedicated to delivering excellent work. Know how brand consulting can help in this context.

4. Moreover, brand perception has a direct impact on a company's overall reputation. A positive perception helps build credibility and trust among stakeholders, such as investors, suppliers, and partners.

This can lead to increased opportunities for partnerships and collaborations, improved access to funding, and enhanced business relationships.

Conversely, a negative brand perception can harm relationships with stakeholders and hinder business growth.

5. In today's digital age, where information travels at lightning speed, brand perception can be easily influenced by online reviews, social media conversations, and customer feedback.

Therefore, companies must:

  • actively manage their brand perception by consistently delivering on their promises through their products or services,

  • engaging with customers through various channels, and

  • addressing any negative feedback promptly and transparently.

Ways of Brand Consideration:

Ways of Brand Consideration by Audiences
Image Source - Infillion Customer Journey Research Report

Pro-Tip: Actively shape your brand narrative through genuine engagement, quick response to feedback, and strategic storytelling to influence positive perception consistently.

In conclusion, brand perception is important for businesses as it directly impacts consumer purchasing decisions, customer loyalty, employee recruitment, retention, and overall reputation.

By proactively managing and nurturing a positive brand perception, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and create long-term success in the marketplace.

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What is Brand Perception?:

Brand perception is how consumers view and feel about a brand, encompassing their beliefs, emotions, and overall impressions based on experiences, messaging, and interactions with the brand.

Measuring Brand Perception:

For measuring brand perception, you can use various approaches and techniques shared below:

  1. Surveys and Feedback: Gather opinions through customer surveys and feedback forms.

  2. Social Media Monitoring: Track brand mentions and sentiment on social media platforms.

  3. Online Reviews: Analyze customer reviews on websites, forums, and review platforms like Google and Yelp.

  4. Brand Sentiment Analysis: Employ tools to assess the overall sentiment surrounding the brand.

  5. Focus Groups: Conduct focus group discussions to delve deeper into consumer perceptions.

  6. Customer Interviews: Directly interview customers to understand their thoughts and feelings.

  7. Competitor Analysis: Compare brand perception against competitors in the market.

  8. Web Analytics: Examine website traffic, engagement, and user behavior for insights.

  9. Sales and Revenue Trends: Assess the impact of brand perception on sales and revenue growth.

Brand Perception KPI:

Here are the various brand perception KPIs you may look into:

  1. Brand Awareness: Measure how well the brand is recognized within the target audience.

  2. Brand Recall: Assess the ability of customers to remember the brand when prompted.

  3. Sentiment Analysis: Gauge the overall sentiment and emotions associated with the brand.

  4. Customer Satisfaction: Evaluate customer satisfaction levels related to the brand experience.

  5. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure the likelihood of customers recommending the brand.

  6. Online Engagement Metrics: Track likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement on social media.

  7. Customer Loyalty: Assess the level of repeat business and customer retention.

  8. Market Share: Analyze the brand's share of the market compared to competitors.

  9. Perception Gap: Identify any disparities between the intended brand image and how it is perceived.

  10. Competitive Benchmarking: Compare brand perception against industry competitors.

Why is Brand Important?:

A brand is important because it:

  1. Builds recognition.

  2. Creates trust.

  3. Differentiates from competitors.

  4. Influences purchasing decisions.

  5. Fosters customer loyalty.

Brand Perception Meaning:

Brand perception means, it is:

  1. How consumers view a brand.

  2. The feelings and associations it evokes.

  3. The overall impression in customers' minds.

  4. A key factor in brand value and success.

  5. Influenced by experiences, marketing, and reputation.

Why is Brand Recognition Important?:

Brand recognition is important because, it:

  1. Increases customer trust.

  2. Enhances market competitiveness.

  3. Facilitates easier product launches.

  4. Boosts customer loyalty.

  5. Supports premium pricing.

  6. Improves marketing efficiency.

“Monitoring your keywords gives you critical data you can use to understand and improve your SEO efforts and brand perception. As well as your overall marketing performance” Semrush

Why is Customer Perception Important?:

Customer perception is important because, it:

  1. Drives purchasing decisions.

  2. Affects brand loyalty.

  3. Influences word-of-mouth marketing.

  4. Impacts pricing power.

  5. Shapes overall business success.

  6. Guides product development.

Why is Increasing Brand Awareness Important?:

Increasing brand awareness is important because, it:

  1. Expands market reach.

  2. Boosts sales potential.

  3. Enhances brand recall.

  4. Builds consumer trust.

  5. Supports customer acquisition.

  6. Strengthens competitive advantage.

Why is Brand Image Important to a Business?:

Brand image is important to a business because, it:

  1. Shapes consumer perceptions.

  2. Influences purchasing decisions.

  3. Differentiates from competitors.

  4. Builds customer loyalty.

  5. Justifies premium pricing.

  6. Attracts talent and partnerships.

  7. Enhances overall business value.

Why are Consumer Perceptions of Brands so Hard to Change?:

Consumer perceptions of brands are hard to change because:

  1. First impressions are lasting.

  2. Habits are deeply ingrained.

  3. Emotional connections are strong.

  4. Confirmation bias reinforces existing beliefs.

  5. Overcoming negative experiences is challenging.

  6. Cultural and social influences are pervasive.

Brand Perception Marketing:

Brand perception marketing is:

  1. Strategies to shape how consumers view a brand.

  2. Efforts to create positive associations.

  3. Techniques to influence brand image.

  4. Activities to align perception with brand identity.

  5. Tactics to differentiate from competitors.

  6. Methods to build and maintain brand reputation.

gen z brand preferences - [gen z engagement with brands]
Image Source - YouTube Trends Fandom Report 2024

How are Perceptions of Brand Image formed?:

Perceptions of brand image are formed through:

  1. Direct experiences with products or services.

  2. Marketing and advertising efforts.

  3. Word-of-mouth recommendations.

  4. Media coverage and public relations (PR).

  5. Social media presence and interactions.

  6. Customer service quality.

  7. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions.

  8. Consistency in brand messaging over time.

Why is Perception Important in Psychology?:

Perception is important in psychology because, it:

  1. Shapes our understanding of reality.

  2. Influences behavior and decision-making.

  3. Affects social interactions and relationships.

  4. Forms the basis for learning and memory.

  5. Contributes to individual differences.

  6. Impacts mental health and well-being.

  7. Guides attention and cognitive processes.

Why is Brand Image Important to a Business?:

Brand image is important to a business because, it shapes consumer perceptions and influences purchasing decisions.

reasons for following brands on social media

What is Not Applicable to Brand Perception?:

Elements not applicable to brand perception include:

  1. Internal company policies.

  2. Unrelated market trends.

  3. Individual employee personal lives.

  4. Competitor's proprietary information.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful - Brand Identity vs Brand Image

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P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].

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